biopolymer printing
Sara Codarin
The project Biopolymer Printing is a study in robotic fabrication that resides at the intersection of digital design, automation, and craft. The study delves into a sequence of one-off robotically fabricated two-and-a-half-dimensional drawings crafted using a plant-based bio gel, a material that allows for manipulation in a space that straddles the boundary between two-dimensional and three-dimensional realms. This approach diverges from standard digital fabrication methods, where digital inputs are directly translated into physical outcomes without deviation. Instead, this project engages in a translation process that necessitates adjustments and negotiation in redefining design-to-fabrication techniques by employing a 6-axis tabletop robot integrated with an Arduino-enabled extruder. This method underscores a re-evaluation of how digital designs are realized physically, emphasizing the role of adaptability and innovation in the face of material and technological constraints.
Biopolymer linework
Robotic printing setup
Robotic printing setup
Biopolymer prints
Printing process
Printing process
Close up detail
Close up detail
Trial error