robotic mark making
Sara Codarin and Karl Daubmann
When we learned to paint, we had to understand how to hold the brush, test the pressure against the resulting brush strokes, and build confidence in the dexterity of our gestures. “Robotic Mark Making” traces our process of re-learning to paint but this time using a retired automotive welding robot as an extension of our hands. With this proposal, we are seeking the productive confluence between an old form of analog expression and the opportunities afforded by new digital technologies. Parametrically designed drawings are implemented robotically using a soft brush as a means to share different attempts and reflections on the successes and failures of this type of work. A soft brush navigates the 2.5D space and dissolves the rigorous digital inputs into unique ink marks. The outcomes document the various attempts, iterations, parameters, and variables against the circumstances of the pen, paper, humidity, and whim of the designers.
2.5D linework
Robotic drawing
Robotic drawing
2.5D geometries
Drawing process
Close up detail
Close up detail
Robotic workspace at LTU CoAD